DAETE: Applying EFQM to continuing engineering education
DAETE: Applying EFQM to continuing engineering education
The project was created to propose quality procedures allowing trust about continuing engineering education (CEE) courses across the Atlantic. Financed by the European Commission and by the USA government it was adapted to evaluate and to improve quality of the centres in both sides of the Atlantic to foster recognition and cooperation. Among the several quality management models available in the academic and industrial contexts the partnership chose EFQM. The model was developed in two years with four partners from Europe and one from the USA. The development consisted in the adaptation of the EFQM descriptors to the specific contexts of CEE centres. Issues like dimension of centres, relevant results, processes relevant for the goals and appropriate indicators were thoroughly discussed and defined. During the years that followed the implementation and validation occurred with similar financing and with the participation of about one hundred centres around the world. The analysis of the implementation of the modified EFQM variant in several contexts is made in this paper and conclusions are presented. The conclusions also include recommendations for the possible adoption of the EFQM model to organizations involved in education and training. It was a case study allowing a specific tool that allows benchmarking, self-improvement and references for CEE centers. Context of application of the should be considered given the cultural and technical differences across the world.
Alfredo Soeiro has received a PhD from the University of Florida, USA, as Fulbright scholar (89), he is currently associate professor at Universidade do Porto (95/…), member of EDEN Board (20/…), Secretary General of AECEF (17/…), Vice-President of ISHCCO (19/…) and EUR-ACE expert of ANECA (14/…). His research interests are LLL, VET, CPD, e-learning, quality in education, assessment and construction safety.
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Continuing engineering education, DAETE, EFQM, recognition