Analyse of customer satisfaction in the mobile telecommunications industry: the TQM approach
Analyse of customer satisfaction in the mobile telecommunications industry: the TQM approach
The paper aims to study customer satisfaction and the total quality of servicesin the mobile telecommunications sector. The European Index of Satisfaction(ECSI, 1998) model is used to evaluate customer satisfaction in a Portuguese mobile telecommunications company.
After a review of the literature about satisfaction, the ECSI model (ECSI, 1998) was adapted and the total quality dimensions introduced. Considering the EFQMA (European Foundation for Quality Management Award) award, these dimensions are: Leadership, Partnerships and Resources, People, Processes, Strategy and Results and Performance. A survey was performed considering a convenience probabilistic sample with an universe of 200 respondents from the case study company. From the results it can be verified that the customers are satisfied with the quality of services offered by the analyzed telecommunications company.
Comparing the TQM compared to the ECSI model (ECSI, 1998), the performed analysis shows that although the quality stills having a lot of influence over satisfaction, this is more influenced by the award of excellence than merely by the quality of the product/service, thus indicating that with the application of TQM, the quality is more exposed to all sectors directly involved in the product/service in order to achieve the desired level of quality.
Michael Reis has a BSc degree in Industrial Design (2009) and a MSc in Industrial Engenering and Management (2013), from the University of Beira Interior. He was with a mobile telecommunications company and is developing his PhD work in the quality area.
João Carlos de Oliveira Matias is with Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Beira Interior, where he is a Professor and a member of the Industrial Management and Engineering Research Centre and of the Technological Forecasting and Theory Research Group. He has a BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering (1994) from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, is specialized in Quality Management (1997), received his PhD in Production Engineering (2003) from the University of Beira Interior and Habilitation for Full Professor “Agregação” (2014). He is Co-Director of the PhD Course in Industrial Engineering and Management and Director of the Master Course in Industrial Engineering and Management. He is author or co-author of more than 150 papers
published in several national and international periodicals and conference proceedings. He is and editorial board member and also associate editor of several international journals
Susana Garrido Azevedo holds a Ph.D. in Management. She is Assistant Professor and Head of Management and Economics Department at University of Beira Interior (UBI) – Portugal. She is researcher in the UNIDEMI (R&D Unit in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering). In the Research Unit she makes part of several projects including: “European Manufacturing Survey” Portuguese consortium and Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green (LARG) Supply Chain Management. She has research interests in: sustainability, green indices, supply chain management, lean, green and resilience supply chain management paradigms, and
logistics. The results of her research have been disseminated through a range of outlets, totalling over 67 journal papers, 15 book chapters, 82 conference proceedings and co-authored books in operations management and competitiveness. Also, she has collaborated as reviewer in many journals and also international conferences. She is Editor-in-Chief and editorial board member of several international journals.
Luís Lourenço is an Associate Professor at Management and Economics Department of University of Beira Interior and a researcher at NECE. He holds an undergraduate degree in Management from University of Beira Interiror and a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Management from Clemson University. He has taught several courses on the Production and Operations Management and Quality Management areas. He has published several papers in national and international journals and conference proceedings.
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Customer satisfaction, ECSI model, EFQM award, loyalty,
Mobile Telecommunications, Total quality.