ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems: Literature Review
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems: Literature Review
1. Introducion
2. Motivations for quality
3. Quality benefits
4. Difficulties and obstacles
5. Relationship between the motivations and the benefits
6. Concluding remarks
7. Limitations and Further Work
This paper is focused on the state of the art in regards to the motivations, benefits and difficulties of implementation and certification of quality management systems (QMS) in organizations. The literature review suggests that, in regard to internal or external motives, some may be more or less intense than others, depending on the type of organization and its operating context. As a general rule literature points out to a better performance of organizations that have a QMS according to ISO 9001, although some studies have shown that correlation between the QMS certification and performance is only marginal, or does not exist. On the other hand, the greatest difficulties in implementation and certification of QMS are felt in the bureaucracy, weak commitment to quality, cost and time spent. Finally, we raise methodological questions about research on these topics, and other dimensions of analysis are recommended.
Margarida Saraiva has received a PhD. from ISCTE Business School – Portugal in 2004. She is currently Assistant Professor at the Management Department of the University of Évora – Portugal and researcher at BRU-UNIDE/ISCTE-IUL. Her research interests are in the areas of quality and management.
Osvaldo Ferreira has received a Master Degree from the University of Évora – Portugal in 2012. He is a certified accountant and his research interests are in the areas of quality, management and accountability.
Jorge Casas Novas is currently Assistant Professor at the Management Department of the University of Évora – Portugal. He holds a PhD degree in Management (University of Évora) and his research interest are in the areas of management accounting and management accounting and control systems.
António Ramos Pires has received a PhD from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology – Nova University of Lisbon – Portugal. He is currently President for the Associação Portuguesa para a Qualidade (APQ) – Portugal. His research interests are in the areas of process management, design and development.
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Quality management system, Motivations, Benefits, Difficulties