Metrology in Medical Field
Metrology in Medical Field
1. Introduction
2. Current Situation in Medical Metrology
3. Measurement Parameters and Traceability in Medical Device
4. Conclusions
Medical device calibration and test are one of the emerging, important and critical issues in the field of metrology.
The traceability in medical devices and measurements are not powerful enough as much as the traceability in technical and military calibration and measurements. Patient safety is a must for the medical device industry and applications in health sector. Therefore all measurement devices used in medical field must be controlled
periodically and all measurements must be standardized as a quality control regimen that guarantees the reliability of medical devices. Test, measurement and calibration of bio-medical equipment are becoming increasingly significant for manufactures, when accuracy in diagnosis and effectiveness in treatment are required as well as patient safety.
In this paper, medical metrology concept has been introduced and critical cases have been outlined. Current situation has been summarized in all over the world by the light of metrology institutes and international organizations. Measurement parameters in medical devices have been investigated and calibration systems, traceability and standards have been given. It is expected that this manuscript will give a clear vison for the importance of accurate measurements in medical field and guide for medical metrology studies.
Measurements, medical device, medical metrology, traceability, uncertainty
Baki Karaböce has been working as a lead researcher in the field of acoustics, vibration, ultrasonic, electrical, mechanical and medical measurements at TÜBİTAK UME (National Metrology Institute) since 1993. He is the founder of the Medical Metrology Research Laboratory and responsible for the metrology in health at UME. He has participated and successfully completed several projects in various periods in 7th Framework and Horizon 2020 program. He has prepared
number of book sections, refereeing tasks in congresses and journals, and numerous scientific publications at national and international level. He has served as referee and adviser in TUBITAK TARAL (national funding) projects. He has participated and organized national and international congresses as invited speakers, organizers of sessions and presidencies in congresses.
He has chaired the Turkish Acoustical Society. As a proposer and member of the Health Working Group set up at EURAMET
(European Metrological Centers Association), he is actively involved in the organization, programming and strategy preparation of
all projects. Baki Karaböce is Turkish representative of the EURAMET TC-AUV (Acoustic, Ultrasonic and Vibration) Ultrasonic section. He is an active member of IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)’s TC87 Ultrasonics group.
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