Aplicação do seis sigma scorecard na gestão de projetos de manutenção
Aplicação do seis sigma scorecard na gestão de projetos de manutenção
Atualmente, a necessidade em efetuar operações de manutenção em sistemas cada vez mais complexos requer acesso a vários tipos distintos de competências que as pequenas e médias empresas especializadas em serviços de manutenção geralmente não possuem.
Este artigo tem como objetivo ilustrar o papel da abordagem Six Sigma Scorecard como instrumento de gestão para a melhoria da qualidade no serviço prestado num contexto colaborativo. O artigo começa por discutir os princípios da filosofia Six Sigma e do Balanced Scorecard. Em seguida, é discutido de que modo se pode fazer a associação das duas metodologias como instrumento de gestão. Por último, é discutido como é que esta abordagem pode ser aplicada na avaliação das atividades de manutenção no contexto de um ecossistema colaborativo
José Gomes Requeijo has received a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the New University of Lisbon – Portugal (UNL). He is now an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the FCT-UNL. He has extensive teaching experience in several areas of Quality Engineering. He is an effective member of the UNIDEMI research center. As a researcher, he has participated in research projects, as well as in industrial engineering congresses (Quality area). He is the author of papers in international journals and conferences.
António Abreu has received a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the New University of Lisbon – Portugal, in 2007. Is now an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (ISEL – Portugal and a Researcher of CTS/FCT-UNL. His research interests are in the areas of collaborative networked organisations, Innovation Management, Quality Management, Logistics, Project Management, and Operations Management.
M. F. Calado obtained the academic title of Habilitation in Electrotechnical Engineering (UBI, Portugal, 2009) and the academic degree of Doctor in Mechanical Engineering in the area of specialization of Control Systems (City University, UK, 1996). He is currently Associate Professor with Habilitation of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (ISEL) and Researcher of LAETA/IDMEC. His research interests are: mobile robotics, fault tolerant control, intelligent control, multi-agent systems, collaborative systems and collaborative networks.
Ana Dias Assistant Professor in the Departmental Area of Mechanical Engineering of ISEL. PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management (UBI, 2015). Scientific interests are the domain of Industrial Engineering and Management. The main field of R&TD in recent years is strategic management with special relevance to the study of philosophies and methodologies in support of engineering and industrial management (e.g. Lean, JIT, SMED, TRIZ, QFD, DFSS, etc.).
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Gestão de projetos, Manutenção, Redes colaborativas, Six-sigma Scorecard