Application of Routine Management in the Southern Management Construction Sector in the Dispenser Company of electric energy in the State of Ceará – Brasil
Application of Routine Management in the Southern Management Construction Sector in the Dispenser Company of electric energy in the State of Ceará – Brasil
The work shows the importance of the adoption of routine management and the search for continuous improvement in service delivery to the end customer of the distributor company of electric energy in the State of Ceará –Brazil. The service is regulated and supervised by the federal government, which provides the guidelines to be followed for the successful development of services. The objective was to present the results obtained from the adoption of actions aimed at continuous improvement of processes developed by the company. The methodology was applied to action research described by Miguel et al.(2012), conceived and developed in close association with the resolution of a collective problem. In conducting research was initially conducted a literature search and then the analysis of data relating to the management system of routine work adopted by the company in the sector studied. The research sought to show the level of adherence to the method of management and its positive impacts. In this management methodology, manage is to set goals and have a plan of action to achieve them, using quality tools and applying the PDCA method with its importance confirmed by Daychoum (2007) and following the steps as described by Fields (2004) , Slack et al. (2002), and very important is standardization, training, identification and treatment of imperfections. The Routine Management and quest for continuous improvement are tools that add a differential with important results for the company adopted since 2010. The construction sector of the Southern Area undertaken changes in order to get better results and adhere to the methodology of management of the company. However, it can be seen that adhesion has occurred gradually, with satisfactory results in the execution of tasks. Was identified as the main problem to be overcome, the pent-up demand of works which suggest futures actions.
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Quality, PDCA Cycle, Routine Management, Continuous improvement