Do ISO 9001-certified hotels get a higher customer rating than noncertified ones?
Do ISO 9001-certified hotels get a higher customer rating than noncertified ones?
Purpose: This paper in progress tries to shed light on the customers’ perception of ISO 9001. More specifically, the work analyzes whether customers of ISO 9001 certified hotels are more satisfied than the customers of non-certified hotels of similar category and location.
Design/methodology/approach: The paper contains the preliminary results of a study carried out in 2013 with a total sample of 186,769 guest ratings of 828 Spanish and Italian hotels (with 207 ISO 9001 certified hotels and 621 non-certified ones). The statistical analysis was carried out based on a comparison of means, a correlation analysis, and a Logit analysis
Findings: In general terms the ISO 9001 certified hotels don’t receive a statistically significant better evaluation or rating by their customers. Indeed, the statistical analysis carried out based on a comparison of means, a correlation analysis, and a Logit analysis confirms that certified hotels have a statistically significant lower rating in terms of value for money than non-certified ones.
Research limitations/implications: The study underlines the possible limitations and pitfalls of this kind of research. The research also discusses the potential dangers ininferring directly that ISO 9001 certification leads to superior business performance and superior customer satisfaction as it’s frequently underlined in both practitioner and scholarly literature of the field.
Originality/value: This study makes an original contribution to the literature, as there is a clear lack of researches aimed at analyzing the comparative impact of ISO 9001 in improving customers’ satisfaction of certified and non-certified companies.
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ISO 9001, business performance, customer satisfaction, empirical research, hotel industry.