Innovation, Total Quality and Performance: a study of ISO 9001 certified organizations in Portugal
Innovation, Total Quality and Performance: a study of ISO 9001 certified organizations in Portugal
Purpose: Our general purpose is therefore to evaluate the effects of the joint and integrated adoption of TQM and innovation on organization’s performance.
Design/methodology/approach: The paper presents a conceptual model designed to study the join implementation of quality and innovation. It can also be seen as an adequate tool for supporting improvements on organizational performance. The model incorporates a set of causal relationships between TQM, innovation and financial, organizational and operational performance.
Findings: Data was gathered from a total of 218 organizations certified according to the ISO 9001:2008. A PLS approach was used to analyze these data. Results suggest that TQM has a direct impact on nonfinancial performance and an indirect impact on financial performance. In turn, innovation has a direct impact on financial and organizational performance. Good results in terms of organizational performance have impact on financial performances.
Originality/value: The importance given to the development of organizations, particularly on issues related to improving the competitiveness and development of more appropriate management models, justify the importance of this research that seeks to find some answers about a topic and provide some additional contribution to the existing literature.
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total quality management, innovation, financial performance, organizational performance, operational performance