Improving the quality of life through Six Sigma
Improving the quality of life through Six Sigma
Purpose – Because the relation between patient and medical personnel is often “very corporal”, the implications of the quality of this relation are significantly high on the patient’s satisfaction regarding the healthcare performance. This paper focuses on finding ways to develop a Quality Matrix that could help to control and improve the methods to manage the recovery process of the patient health who suffered a myocardial infarction.
Design/ Methodology – The current paper analyses a direct survey on a 500 persons’ sample to identify the relation between different factors that affects the patients’ QoL who received a hospital intervention for myocardial infarction. The authors adapted Six Sigma methodology in order to create a Quality Matrix. In the analysis step the main tool was logistic regression.
Findings – A Quality Matrix was defined to help medical personnel to survey the correlation between factos (methods) and results in order to improve the patient health and satisfaction. Also, based on research the authors took into consideration the opportunity to design an IT online platform in order to improve the communication between the specialist and the patients.
Research implications – Continuous improvement methods in healthcare sector is a premier in Romania. However, because the research was limited to the one major emergency hospital, the paper conclusions should be inferred with caution. Therefore, the next step is to extend the analysis to the entire country.
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Quality of Life Management, Six Sigma, Logistic Regression, Quality Matrix