Identification of inefficiencies in a complaints handling process
Identification of inefficiencies in a complaints handling process
Purpose – This paper aims to identify inefficiencies in the complaints handling process of aworld leader company in the production of components for the food packaging sector, and propose some improvement actions to overcome them.
Methodology – The first step was to examine the complaints management process with the organizational agents, and model it using Business Process Modelling Notation. The data resulting from the organization process were later studied. From the combination of these two analyses, some elations about the process and its inefficiencies were draw.
Findings – The main conclusions were that (i) there is a need to standardize the activities in order to control the resources that are used; (ii) it is essential to increase the actors’ awareness to the importance of the process improvement; and (iii) digital platforms should be implemented in order to facilitate interactions.
Practical implications – This article reiterates the need to improve business processes as a source of competitive advantages and may help organizations with similar processes and needs to implement improvements in their own processes.
Originality – This paper combines two approaches – process modelling and statistical
process analysis – which are not usually employed together in the process improvement context.
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Complaint handling process, Process improvement, Business Process Modelling, BPMN.