Human error prevention in manufacturing
Human error prevention in manufacturing
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an answer to a very common problem of discrepancies in Quality of Products due to Human Errors in operations. Human errors often have great effects on quality, safety, and efficiency in manufacturing and service industry: e.g., assembly of wrong component, incomplete operation, loose assembly, scratches and damages on the product while performing operations, wrong data entry or filling wrong fluids. To prevent these errors and their undesired effects, “error proofing” solutions are effective. Successful examples include distinguishing the places of similar looking parts, simplifying the sequence of operation, using color coded parts to avoid wrong part assembly, using a checklist in hand, and providing facilities for the ease of job. The basic idea of error proofing is very simple. Although human beings are flexible and creative, they also often make errors. This characteristic cannot be changed. Therefore, improving the other element of the work system, i.e., “work operations” including materials, methods and machines is na effective way for tackling errors. Error proofing has many different names such as fool proofing, poka-yoke, mistake proofing, and so on. All can be explained by this simple concept, “changing work operations to fit human beings”. Although error proofing solutions are successfully applied in manufacturing and service industry, most of them are generated individually as needed to suit each occasion without the benefit of the knowledge of the wider body of error proofing solutions. This paper explains the error proofing principles and solution directions existing behind these proven solutions and provides a simple methodology for systematically generating workable solutions to reduce human errors in manufacturing industry.
Design/methodology/approach – Study of quality and safety concerns in manufacturing operations
Findings – Rather than focusing only on the human being, the new concept of Human error prevention focuses on the improvement of the work station including method, machine and material which can be used for quality and safety improvements in manufacturing operations
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