Bibliometric analysis of quality function deployment with fuzzy systems
Bibliometric analysis of quality function deployment with fuzzy systems
Research on quality function deployment (QFD) with fuzzy systems has increased since the 2000s. The growing number of QFD applications with fuzzy systems indicates worldwide attention on this field of research. Then, two research questions arise: Are there some trends? And, are there some research gaps? This paper presents bibliometric analysis to answer those questions, performed on data from Scopus database, in a total output of 598 documents. Only articles and reviews were searched. China is the leading country in publication and international collaboration (207 published documents, more than a third of total). The main finding of analysis is the trend of QFD integration with fuzzy and multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. This could be observed with different applications as new product development, quality management, service quality, and supply chain management, to name a few.
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Bibliometrics, fuzzy systems, quality function deployment, Scopus