Innovation, Technology and Quality
Innovation, Technology and Quality
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to understand the relationship between innovation and technology with quality through the review of previous studies and the real perception of individuals.
Project/Methodology/Approach: The research method used is qualitative. This study carried out based on a literature review and with the application of an online questionnaire, in order to understand the perception of individuals when these terms are addressed.
Findings: The findings are useful for business managers as these three areas are increasingly interconnected, being the path the organization’s success. This study contributed to develop this concepts that be so important on nowadays. The focus on quality as a competitive tool is crucial but insufficient, and innovation and technology emerge as a new way of meeting customer requirements and expectations.
Research limitations/implications: The literature review was limited to a database. Future research despite the little bibliography available on this topic, where the innovation and the technology are related to the quality, it’s a very pertinent topic to be deepened and suggested for future investigations.
Conclusions: This research concludes that the higher the level of investment in areas such as innovation, technology and quality, the best competitiveness and production performance will have the organizations. With the application of the questionnaire, it verifies that there isn’t consensus among individuals on the definition of innovation and quality and even on technology only half of the participants had the same opinion.
Originality/Value: This study contributed to a better perception and systematization of the relationship between quality and innovation.
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Innovation, Technology, Quality