Critical success factors during the implementation of ISO 22000:2018
Critical success factors during the implementation of ISO 22000:2018
Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to evaluate why companies still struggle with ISO 22000 implementation and maintenance, identifying which aspects are key for its success.
Design/methodology/approach – A literature review was carried out based on Scientific articles and implementation guides collected from Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and ResearchGate.
Findings – Nine aspects seem to have a broader impact on organizations’ maintenance of ISO 22000 and other FSMS. Furthermore, the empirical research reveals that having an efficient food safety management system is a prerequisite for company’s competitiveness.
Practical implications – The findings show that many of the critical success factors for a FSMS implementation are based on regular and adequate management of people inside the company.
Originality/value – A novel model of segmenting critical success factors is presented, which has practical implications for ISO 22000 achievement.
See paper
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ISO 22000, implementation, critical success factors, FSMS.