Quality as a driver for internationalisation of Chilean universities?
Quality as a driver for internationalisation of Chilean universities?
Purpose – This work shows how internationalisation actions implemented by two Chilean universities have been driven by governmental policies oriented to improve the quality of higher education, and to what extend they influenced their strategic objectives.
Design/methodology/approach – The study starts with a systematic literature review from websites including internationalisation strategies, quality criteria, and policies. Qualitative and quantitative data was obtained from surveys applied to universities’ authorities. Empirical analysis was used to identify quality drivers of internationalisation and to draw conclusions.
Findings – The study found that guidelines and policies for improving quality of education have been key drivers of internationalisation activities. Engaging key stakeholders and devoting attention to the necessity of developing an internationalisation strategy linked to the quality policy is a must.
Research limitations/implications – Further empirical research is needed to provide insight into other universities not included. The perspective of other keyholders could enhance the results.
Practical implications – Improving quality of higher education is vital for universities willing to excel; internationalisation might help speed up the process. International relations offices should make efforts focalising funds to develop strategies that support the internal quality system.
Originality/value – The influence that national quality policies have on internationalisation strategies taken by universities is a debate not discussed yet in Chile and scarcely, in the rest of the world.
See paper
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Internationalisation, Quality assurance, Higher education, Accreditation.