Quality Management System according to the future of quality and Quality 4.0 principles and guidelines
Quality Management System according to the future of quality and Quality 4.0 principles and guidelines
The purpose of this paper submission its to present a practical application of the topic related with a “Quality Management System” defined and implemented according to the future of quality and Quality 4.0 guidelines, mentioned by Paulo Sampaio at the APQ conference “the leader of quality 4.0” on the 17 July 2020.
In Sonamet (a big company of EPCI – Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation, of mega-structures for the Oil&Gas sector, such as oil platforms), the Quality Management System (QMS) is fully integrated into the organization, use the same language of the C-Suite level, and is seen as a core area, which ensure the alignment and operationalization of the management system, processes, departments and employees with the aspects defined by the CEO (namely, the purpose, context, policies and interested parties needs and expectations and strategic objectives) and the world trends and best practices [Industry 4.0 (data analysis, predictive quality models and mindset, digitalization, best practices sessions), purpose and value added culture, the future of quality concept (do it well X do it better X do it differently).
See paper
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Quality Management System, Quality 4.0, Industry 4.0, Leadership