Intellectual Property Crime and Business Excellence Framework – Dubai Police case study
Intellectual Property Crime and Business Excellence Framework - Dubai Police case study
Purpose: As Intellectual Property (IP) criminal activities are increasingly complex, they require more than just technical skills to carry them out. IP Criminal entities are using emerging technologies to build networks and organisations to undertake complex transactions and multi-faceted transnational crimes. The remote and borderless nature of the internet, its global reach and the speed of technological uptake and change make cybercrime among the most pressing issues for Police force. In this research paper, the context IP crime in Dubai is being discussed. A closer look into literature review on IP has led to study how and in which conditions they are applied in Police Forces. Moreover, the impact of Business Excellence Frameworks (BEF) like Malcolm Baldrige and European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) on helping the performance of Dubai Police. Business Excellence Frameworks are used by organisations to assess and improve their work practices and performance. In order to respond to the highly competitive external environment Dubai Police systematically search for new effective approaches to enhancing their management capabilities such as Business Excellence Frameworks.
Design/methodology/approach: A case study from Dubai Police is analyzed and discussed in order to integrate the Intellectual Property Crime into Business Excellence Framework.
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Intellectual Property, Crime, Business Excellence Framework, Dubai Police, Malcolm Baldrige, EFQM,