Reduced Energy Consumption Using Lean Six Sigma
Reduced Energy Consumption Using Lean Six Sigma
Purpose – This research aims to use Lean Six Sigma in a project that aims to reduce the consumption of electricity in a manufacturing company.
Methodology/approach – The method used was the case study, whose nature is classified as applied, and the article was started with a bibliographic search. The procedures of the case followed the steps of the DMAIC cycle (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) with the support of quality tools and use of software to assist in organizing the data. In addition to identifying the departments with the highest consumption, were realized a series of measurements on the main electrical equipment. With the causes of the problem identified, actions were taken.
Findings: After performing the actions and analyzing the consumption averages, the monthly reductions were 23% during off-peak hours and 39% during peak hours. Exceeding the goals defined at the beginning of the project and culminating in an average monthly savings of R$15,270.60. The research showed the efficiency and effectiveness of the application of Lean Six Sigma, since the results obtained provided significant savings after implementation.
Limitations: This study has the limitations are non-probabilistic samples and dependence on perceptions. These characteristics of the study constitute a bias for the analysis.
Practical Implications: The Lean Six Sigma management strategy allows organizations to succeed in projects. In addition to achieving results with efficiency and reliability.
Originality/value: This study case study generates a scientific contribution, in addition to condensing information that is relevant to companies as a whole. This research also fills gaps in the scientific literature regarding the use to reduce electricity consumption.
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Lean, Reduction, Consumption, Energy