Continuous Improvement Programs and Industry 4.0: Descriptive Bibliometric Analysis
Continuous Improvement Programs and Industry 4.0: Descriptive Bibliometric Analysis
Purpose – Continuous improvement and Industry 4.0 are not exclusive concepts. However, there is a lack of literature related to the links between improvement programs and digital technologies. This article aims to map both the field production and impact on the combination of continuous improvement programs and Industry 4.0 technologies.
Design/methodology/approach – The descriptive bibliometric analysis was the most suitable method to achieve the paper’s aim. The sample was obtained from the Web of Science scientific index. The data processing procedure used the “Bibliometrix” package, running in the RStudio integrated development environment.
Findings – Despite there are no top productivity authors in the field, scientific production has increased in recent years. Most of the influential journals are from the “computer sciences”, “industrial engineering”, and “business, management, and accounting” domains. Continuous improvement programs most often associated with Industry 4.0 technologies are lean manufacturing, six sigma, and recently lean six sigma. The most current technologies, according to the authors’ keywords, are Machine learning, the internet of things, and big data.
Research limitations/implications – The descriptive bibliometric analysis allows analyzing the articles’ metadata that imposes a limitation. The content analysis is missing. The next step is to go deeply on bibliometric analysis applying multivariate methods and developing a content analysis.
Originality/value – There is a literature gap in studying the links of continuous improvement programs and industry 4.0 technologies.
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Continuous Improvement, Industry 4.0, Quality Management, Bibliometrics