Quality Challenges for Management System Certification Bodies – From the Accreditation Point of View
Quality Challenges for Management System Certification Bodies – From the Accreditation Point of View
This paper outlines the most common quality challenges Management System Certification Bodies (MSCBs) face during their accreditation process. Accreditation is the independent evaluation of conformity assessment bodies (i.e. Certification Bodies, Inspection Agencies, Testing Laboratories) against recognized standards, to carry out specific activities to ensure their impartiality and competence. Through the application of national and international standards, governments, procurers, and consumers can have confidence in the quality of test results, inspection reports and certifications provided.
This paper provides a study regarding the most common problems in the operation of MSCBs in different countries and regions where the Accreditation Body International Accreditation Service (IAS) provides its accreditation services.
This study has been performed based on data collected on more than 120 MSCBs, from 25 countries worldwide, accredited against the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 “Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems
— Part 1: Requirements” (1).
The Non-Conformities were issued during the accreditation process of various MSCBs offering their certification services in different fields (Agriculture, Food Industry, Textile, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Metals, Construction, Electrical, Aerospace, Engineering Services, etc.). Findings vary from commonly reported quality management system issues to the most critical challenges faced by MSCBs.
The identified non-Conformities were categorized and statistically processed. The trends are identified and analyzed per quality management system or technical category. Under the accreditation process, MSCBs are required to respond to any significant findings with a submittal of a corrective action plan containing an analysis of the root cause, details of actions taken to resolve the issue, and strategies to prevent reoccurrence. The most common and serious problems identified during this process are presented in this paper supported by suggestions and good practices gleaned from these submittals. Opportunities for improvement are presented for each corresponding category of findings.
Management System, Certification Bodies, Accreditation