Sobre a Revista TMQ 1
Revista TMQ
The Journal was born in 2009, with the support of the Statistics and Data Analysis Research Group (GIESTA) and the Associated Centre of the Business Development Research Unit (UNIDE) of ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, with the aim of disseminating the research and development work carried out within the scope of Quality and other related areas.
The main objective of the TMQ Journal is to discuss and deepen concepts of the theme of Quality and related areas, in a multi and interdisciplinary perspective, as well as to address methodologies, pragmatic application instruments and experiences carried out, for a better understanding of the implications and impacts on quality, and related fields in society.
The Journal is managed within the scope of the activities of RIQUAL (Quality Investigators Network), which is a platform for the meeting and development of professionals working in research, development, and demonstration activities in the areas of quality and related matters.
TMQ Journal is a prestigious journal at an international level, especially in the field of Quality Management, with regular issues, thematic issues and special issues, with the collaboration of guest editors, and in which a considerable number of authors, scholars and academics, both from Portugal, as well as from Spain, and from other countries with Portuguese and Spanish as official languages, have published scientific texts, which can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English.
This journal is indexed in the Regional Information System online for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal – Latindex.
TMQ’s standards of ethical conduct are based on the “Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics” (COPE) and the Code of Ethics of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and are based on 3 principles, addressed to both editors and reviewers and authors:
– Professional, scientific, and academic responsibility.
– Integrity.
– Respect for diversity, dignity, and human rights.
Normas de publicação/Publication standards:
Como Publicar na TMQ/ How to Publish in the TMQ
Submeter artigo aos editores/Submit papers to editors
About TMQ Journal
Scope, objectives, and publication principles of the journal: TMQ – Techniques, Methodologies and Quality
The journal TMQ – Techniques, Methodologies and Quality publishes original scientific studies carried out in the area of quality and similar.
The journal accepts the submission of innovative manuscripts on sustained research, or texts of theoretical reflection, which contribute to the advancement of knowledge on topics such as quality control, assurance and management, optimization of products, processes and organizations, innovation, continuous improvement, sustainability. , applied statistical techniques, metrology, standardization, environmental management, health and safety management, certification, accreditation, public and community policies, governance and organization of organizations and interface articles between these and other areas related to Quality. As one of TMQ’s goals is to contribute to the strengthening of the scientific community in which it operates, it accepts the submission of works situated in an international context and written in one of three languages, namely Portuguese, Spanish and English.
TMQ also welcomes and encourages the publication of works by young researchers.
The selection and publication process of manuscripts submitted to the TMQ takes into account the quality and scientific relevance of its objects, as well as the plurality of scientific paradigms assumed and discussed, disciplines and voices that build knowledge on foundational and controversial issues in the field of Quality. The TMQ Coordination reserves the right, however, not to accept for publication more than one text per author/year.
In addition to individually submitted manuscripts, TMQ accepts proposals for special and thematic issues, to be coordinated by guest editors (see Rules for Special and Thematic Issues).
The contents of the submitted manuscripts and the opinions expressed therein are the sole responsibility of their authors. However, texts with content and language of a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory nature will not be accepted.
TMQ authorizes and recommends to its authors the archive of the published version of the work in institutional repositories.
Peer Review Process
All articles submitted for publication will be subject of a preliminary analysis by the Coordination, which will have the following acceptance criteria:
- a) respect for editorial policies and full compliance with submission conditions.
- b) explicit inscription of the content of the manuscript in Quality and the like, or the discussion of relevant contributions.
- c) conformity of the manuscript’s content to what is expected of a scientific article.
- d) use of non-discriminatory content and/or language.
Subject to these conditions, the content of manuscripts is subject to plagiarism detection. In case of suspicion of inappropriate conduct, the author(s) is/are contacted by the Coordination to clarify the questions or doubts raised. The text may or may not proceed for evaluation depending on the result of this process, and the decision will be made by the TMQ Coordination.
Conforming works will be evaluated on a double-blind basis by external experts, members of the Editorial Board or ad hoc selected evaluators. The evaluation criteria followed by the evaluators are as follows:
- a) Relevance from a theoretical point of view (integration of the literature, presentation of the problem and implicit or explicit formulation of hypotheses, when applicable).
- b) Measurement methods (reliability and validity of measurements, when applicable).
- c) Sampling (representativeness and quality of the sample(s), when applicable)
- d) Data analysis (adequacy of statistical techniques and interpretation of results, when applicable)
- e) Conclusions and implications (practical relevance for the organizations under study and implications for future investigations).
- f) Contribution (theoretical contribution to the area).
In case of contradiction in the opinions received, a new evaluation may be requested. The final decision on publication will be made by the Coordination of the journal.
A period of 6 months to 1 year is estimated for the evaluation and publication processes.
The editorial process is detailed in the following flowchart:
1) The identification of the authors and their CVs are removed when sending the articles to the reviewers
2) Reviewers’ comments are sent to authors without identifying the reviewers.
3) Editors do not publish scientific articles in the regular issues of the journal (see rules for special issues). Exceptions are made to analysis of scientific production to inform the authors of the themes and trends that were verified and eventually recommended or desired.
Access Policy
This journal offers free access to the entire scientific community.
Indexing Bases
Directories and Databases
Latindex Catalog (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal –
List of Editors, Reviewers and Editorial Board – Regular Issues
List of Guest Editors, Reviewers, and Guest Editorial Board – Special Issues
António Ramos Pires (Coordinator)
Margarida Saraiva
Álvaro Rosa
TMQ’s ethical conduct standards are based on the “Code of Conduct and Best Practice for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics” (COPE) and the Ethical Code of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) are based on 3 principles, that address both editors and reviewers and authors:
- Professional, scientific and academic responsibility.
- Integrity.
- Respect for diversity, dignity, and human rights.
- Professional, scientific, and academic responsibility.
- TMQ editors are aware of the scientific responsibility involved in disseminating relevant scientific knowledge. As an easily accessible journal, TMQ contributes to the public welfare by advancing available scientific and academic knowledge.
- By accepting to be an editor for TMQ, editors undertake to provide a high-quality service to the best of their abilities and knowledge.
- Editors are responsible for publishing the TMQ and ensuring quality assurance processes (such as plagiarism detection, among others), archiving and wide dissemination of published texts.
- The decision to accept or reject an article for publication is based on the importance, originality and clarity of the text, as well as its relevance to the journal’s mission.
- The editors ensure the selection of the most qualified reviewers for the evaluation of articles, at a minimum of 2 per article.
- Integrity
- The editors undertake to keep authors informed of the submission, evaluation and publication process, as well as to ensure that this process takes place in the shortest possible time.
- The editors ensure the confidentiality of the double-blind peer review process, as well as the anonymity of authors and reviewers. They supervise everyone involved in the editorial process, ensuring strict compliance with the confidentiality of the entire process.
- Editors will publish all accepted texts, except in cases where gross errors or reprehensible ethical conduct (plagiarism or other gross practice) are detected after acceptance.
- If plagiarism or other gross practice is detected, editors will follow COPE guidelines (see flowchart for plagiarism practices at
- Editors are available to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies whenever necessary.
- Editorial and publishing decisions are not determined by policies, agencies, entities, or persons external to TMQ.
- Respect for Diversity, Dignity and Human Rights
- Editorial decisions are not influenced by the origins of the manuscript, including the authors’ nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion.
- Although the content and language of articles are the responsibility of the authors, editors do not allow texts with content or language that is discriminatory and/or offensive to a particular social group to enter the evaluation process.
- Professional, scientific, and academic responsibility
- Authors should carefully read the description of the scope, objectives and publication principles of TQM, ensuring that the submitted manuscript is of high quality and constitutes a relevant contribution to be disseminated internationally.
- In the case of collective authorship, and prior to the submission of the article, the authors agree with each other on the way in which they will appear associated with the publication. The order of authors reflects their degree of involvement and responsibility, and all must have made a significant contribution to the research.
- The authors undertake to declare that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results or conclusions of the work.
- Authors must indicate funding sources or projects that support the work developed in the article.
- When requested, authors share article data with the editor, to confirm a result or answer questions that may arise during the review.
- When an author identifies a major error in his article, he must immediately inform the TMQ editor and provide the necessary information to correct it. The editor will insert a correction note in the published article.
- Integrity
- Authors of manuscripts sent to TMQ ensure that the work is original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
- Authors do not falsify or fabricate data, sources, results, conclusions, or credentials.
- Authors must explicitly indicate, credit and reference other authors whenever they use data or literal material from their work; correctly indicate the sources and acknowledge the contributions mentioned in the article, avoiding using the work of others as your own, thus avoiding plagiarism practices (i.e., large portions of text and/or data from others, presented as if they were your own);
- Authors undertake to obtain informed consent, oral or written, from research participants or their legal representatives, whenever ethically recommended. They must be prepared to provide consent to the editor if requested, or authorization for the study, granted by a competent entity.
- Respect for Diversity, Dignity and Human Rights
- The authors undertake not to use offensive, discriminatory or abusive language, namely about “race”, ethnicity, culture, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, language, disability/disability, conditions of health, socioeconomic status, marital, domestic or parental status, or any other.
- The authors ensure the protection of confidentiality of information, to ensure the integrity of the investigation and the protection of information of a sensitive nature obtained during the investigation.
- Professional, scientific, and academic responsibility
- By agreeing to review texts for TMQ, reviewers undertake to provide a high-quality service and to the best of their abilities and knowledge.
- Reviewers must follow the evaluation criteria indicated by the TMQ, as well as respect the deadlines for submitting the opinion, out of respect for the authors and their work.
- Integrity
- Reviewers are committed to conducting an impartial, honest, constructive, and informative review. They should inform the author(s) of relevant research that should be cited.
- During the review process, reviewers must inform the editor of any practice that violates the author’s ethical conduct.
- Reviewers must refuse to make an evaluation if they identify the author(s) and/or the work or if there are conflicts of interest (personal, professional, financial, or otherwise) on their part.
- Reviewers must treat the work under review as confidential. They must not discuss it with others or use the information they access for their own benefit.
- Respect for Diversity, Dignity and Human Rights
- Reviewers must use constructive, objective language, free from prejudice or malice in their assessments.
TMQ adheres to the rules of the Code of Ethical Conduct of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE):
Journal History
The TMQ is published annually by RIQUAL (Rede dos Investigadores da Qualidade), through regular annual issues and non-periodic special thematic issues.
RIQUAL is a Scientific Association, non-profit organization, which has been establishing itself as a platform for professionals to meet, who carry out Research, Development and Demonstration activities, in areas of quality or other similar areas.
The TMQ Journal was born in 2009 at ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, with the aim of disseminating research and development work carried out within the scope of these themes and is the only periodical publication of a scientific nature on Quality, in Portugal, being, since then, in a journal of international reference.
By the year 2020, TMQ Journal has already published 25 issues (11 regular and 14 specials dedicated to specific topics). A considerable number of authors, scholars, and academics, both from Portugal, Spain, and other Portuguese-speaking countries, have published in TMQ.
The main objective of the TMQ Journal is to discuss and deepen concepts of the Quality theme in a multi and interdisciplinary perspective, as well as to approach methodologies and application instruments and experiments carried out for a better understanding of the implications and impacts on the quality of society.
TMQ Journal accepts the collaboration of all those who are interested and work in Quality and other related areas. Articles can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. On the website where it is hosted,, you can find the publication standards.
The site also allows the online publication of other technical and scientific works, such as Studies, Project Reports, as well as Books and Technical Manuals.
Final Note: As TMQ is a journal in digital format, authors can send their abstracts or communication proposals on a permanent basis (see rules for publication), without having to wait for the Calls for Papers.