Moving from a reactive to a preventive ergonomic management approach in the manufacturing industry: impact on MSDs, workers´ well-being and organization indicators
Moving from a reactive to a preventive ergonomic management approach in the manufacturing industry: impact on MSDs, workers´ well-being and organization indicators
Considering that more than half of the world’s population is economically active, safe working environments are vital to improving the overall quality of life. The proactive/preventive ergonomics, based on safety management, benefits not only work conditions, with the expected lowering of MSDs and its direct costs, but also productivity and quality, among other areas. This study will be focused on searching relevant information about evidence of proactive ergonomics applied in the manufacturing industry and its direct consequences on workers` wellbeing. This review follows the guidelines of the PRISMA Statement. Five databases, namely: Scopus, Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Academic Search Ultimate and IEEE Xplore, were used to develop a data search based on the defined keywords. A total of 7 publications were included in the scoping review. Proactive ergonomics approaches were analysed in different manufacturing organisations with positive results, such as workers’ complaints decrease and a better wellbeing ergonomic climate. Adequate safety management includes the anticipation of future workplaces risks by simulation. Well-trained and motivated workers with solid leadership willing to improve work conditions and achieve greater productivity, quality, and less absenteeism, seem to be the key to a successful proactive ergonomic strategy.
Helena Pedrosa has received her MsD in Business Sciences in 2017 at the University Fernando Pessoa (Porto). She is an Assistant Professor at Agueda School of Technology and Management, University of Aveiro.
Mário P. Vaz is an Associate Professor with Habilitation and Director of the Master in Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. He received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Porto in 1995
Joana Guedes is an Auxiliar Professor on Occupational Safety and Hygiene Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. She concluded her PhD in Occupational Health and Safety at the University of Porto in 2015.
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industry, preventive ergonomy, reactive ergonomy, safety management,