Metodologia Six Sigma aplicada a processos de corte numa indústria de componentes automóvel
Atualmente, a sobrevivência de uma empresa está fortemente ligada ao seu fator de competitividade. Em particular no sector automóvel, cada vez mais as empresas adotam estratégias de contenção de custos e aumento de produtividade, com intuito de se manterem vivas no mercado.
No presente trabalho é exposta uma metodologia muito versátil e eficaz na resolução de problemas, com foco na obtenção de resultados financeiros positivos. A metodologia em observação é o six sigma, a sua aplicação tem como propósito a redução de custos em ferramentas de corte, numa empresa do setor automóvel. O projeto de melhoria terá como enfoque o aumento da rentabilização da utilização das fresas atendendo ao tempo de vida útil das mesmas.
No desenvolver do caso de estudo, constatou-se que os resultados operacionais de uma empresa podem ser potenciados com a utilização da ferramenta de melhoria six sigma, além do que, também se verificou que o operário fabril tem uma forte influência no output do processo de fresagem. Notou-se ainda uma dificuldade na utilização correta dos métodos de análise indiretos. Contudo, também foi possível identificar a importância da uniformização de critérios de análise, a utilização correta dos dados e a impossibilidade de analisar certas variáveis de entrada do processo de fresagem.
Nowadays, the survival of a company in the market is strongly linked to its competitiveness factor. Particularly in the automotive industry, more companies tend to adopt strategies of cost containment and for increasing productivity, to stay alive in the market.
In this work, a very versatile and effective problem-solving tool is exposed, with a target on achieving positive monetary results. The methodology under observation is the six sigma, and its application aims to reduce costs in cutting tools, in a company of the automotive industry. The improvement project is focused on increasing the use of the cutting tools attending on each cutting tools life time.
In developing the case of study, it was found that the operational results of a company can be enhanced with the use of the six sigma improvement tool, in addition to that, it was also found that the factory worker has a strong influence on the output of the milling process. However, was found a difficulty in the correct use of indirect analysis methods. Nevertheless, it was also possible to identify the importance of standardizing analysis criteria, the correct use of data and the impossibility of analysing certain input variables in the milling process.
Rafael Afonso Lopes Guerra Fernandes has received a master degree from the ESTGV – Polytechnics of Viseu – Portugal. He is currently a Industrial Engineer in Huf Portuguesa. His research of interests are in the areas of Lean Management methodologies and 3D printing technologies, and its application in industry.
Maria Odete Monteiro Lopes completed a PhD in Engineering and Industrial Management, Master in Business Management and Degree in Chemical Engineering. She is Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management of Polytechnic of Viseu. Her research interests are in Quality Management and Supply Chain Management, particularly International Purchasing.
David Rodrigo Lourenço Pinheiro has received a PhD from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology – University of Coimbra – Portugal. He is currently Senior Expert Head of Operations in Huf Portuguesa. His research interests are in the areas of Digitalization & Innovation, in a drive growth with Industry 4.0, focusing in the Management of Smart Industries.
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Melhoria Contínua, Processos de Corte, Redução de Custos e Six Sigma.
Continuous Improvement, Cutting Processes, Savings and Six Sigma.