Implementação da ferramenta MRP na gestão dos armazéns de uma empresa de transportes
A gestão de armazéns e stocks visa assegurar a disponibilidade equilibrada dos materiais necessários à actividade das empresas. O trabalho desenvolvido incide sobre a implementação de um sistema MRP, para auxílio à gestão dos armazéns de uma empresa de transportes públicos urbanos. A ferramenta implementada permite identificar os artigos a aprovisionar, estimando quantidades, tendo para isso, definindo-se os triggers e os parâmetros dos artigos a controlar. Para enquadrar a ferramenta nos seus princípios, foi necessário adaptá-la ao funcionamento do sistema que a alimenta, o ERP, o que permite adequar os métodos da empresa ao funcionamento da ferramenta e desta forma definir também o seu layout.
A implementação desta ferramenta, demonstrou a eficiência do processo, na adequação aos métodos de trabalho da empresa e ao objectivo principal, o auxílio à gestão dos armazéns. Com a ferramenta implementada, pretende-se abranger catorze mil artigos, o que permite responder às expectativas iniciais do projecto e às reestruturações internas que a empresa pretende efectuar.
The management of warehouses and stocks aims to ensure the balanced availability of materials necessary for the activities of the companies. The work developed focuses on the implementation of an MRP system, to help manage the warehouses of an urban public transport company. The implemented tool allows identifying the items to be provisioned, estimating quantities, having, for that, to define the triggers and parameters of the items to be controlled. To frame the tool in its principles, it was necessary to adapt it to the functioning of the system that feeds it, the ERP, which allows adapting the company’s methods to the operation of the tool and in this way also defining its layout.
The implementation of this tool demonstrated the efficiency of the process, in adapting to the company’s working methods and to the main objective, the aid of the warehouses’ management. With the tool implemented, it is intended to cover fourteen thousand articles, which makes it possible to respond to the initial expectations of the project and to the internal restructuring that the company intends to carry out.
David Cardoso has received a licentiate degree from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology – Nova University of Lisbon – Portugal in 2007. He is currently manager in the Department of Logistics and Patrimony in Companhia de Carris de Ferro de Lisboa, E.M., S.A. – Portugal. His current interests lies in the management of warehouses, stocks and logistics, with straight liaison to the maintenance area.
Helena Navas has received a PhD from the NOVA School of Science and Technology – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa – Portugal. She is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the NOVA School of Science and Technology – Portugal and researcher at UNIDEMI. Her research interests are in the areas of innovation, continuous improvement, quality, and maintenance management.
Kenton, W., (2021) Material Requirements Planning. Acedido em 18 de Dezembro de 2021:
Melo, A.; Gadelha, H.; Nunes, D.; Branco, A., (2016) Software para gestão de stocks numa instituição pública de ensino superior. Acedido a 26/03/2022:
Armazéns, ERP, MRP e stocks.
ERP, MRP, stocks and warehouses.