Systemic use of quality tools in HIV/AIDS research project
Research on HIV/AIDS has fronts of highly complex projects. One of the challenging processes is recruiting new participants, requiring constant innovations and improvements due to the specifics of the target audience and the dynamics of the field of study. Strategies may not give direct results due to methodology used, requiring an improvement in the field of routines or the chosen innovation. Quality tools can be used to identify these characteristics and the correct use of the strategy. In innovative research to study PrEP, the HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis, field protection medication for 15 to 19 years old, 7 classic quality tools were used in the recruitment processes. The diagrams created the entire recruitment flowchart and implemented a digital selection sheet to monitor the data, after completing the histogram, control chart, hist and dispersion charts (Cp=0,82, Cpk=0,30, Pp=0,84, Ppk=0,31). Due to the capacity of a graphical adjustment plan, it was possible to create a cause-and-effect diagram as result to continuous and audited adjustment action plan. Quality management improved decision-making on which strategies to use for certain scenarios, cost reduction, and increased performance in the number of recruits with greater access of young people to this HIV prevention technology.
Carlos Jefferson de Melo Santos holds a degree in Production Engineering and a master’s degree in industrial engineering from the Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, a postgraduate degree in Quality Engineering, Occupational Safety Engineering and extension in various topics related to the area of Quality Management. He is currently the administrative coordinator of the UNTAID-funded PrEP 1519 project.
Ângelo Márcio Oliveira Sant’Anna holds a degree in Statistics from the Federal University of Bahia (2003), a Master’s in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2006) and a PhD in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2009). He is currently an adjunct professor at the Federal University of Bahia, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Inês Dourado holds a degree in medicine from the Bahia School of Medicine, a master’s degree in public health from the University of Massachusetts/United States of America (USA) and a PhD in epidemiology from the University of California at Los Angeles/USA. She is an associate professor IV of the permanent staff of the Graduate Program at the Instituto de Saúde Coletiva at the Federal University of Bahia, a researcher at CNPq and an adjunct professor at the School of Public Health at Brown University / USA.
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Healthcare, Strategy and Organizational Engineering, Quality Management