Lean num projeto vitivinícola inclusivo numa instituição particular de solidariedade social
A implementação do lean pode se traduzir em múltiplos benefícios para qualquer tipo de organizações, como reduzir os desperdícios e trabalhar com base numa abordagem sistemática e sustentada. A forma de implementação do lean é dependente da organização e está fortemente dependente da sua cultura e forma de liderança. Neste artigo aborda-se a forma como se efetuou a implementação num projeto vitivinícola de uma instituição particular de solidariedade social. Utilizou-se um roadmap para a implementação lean e nas várias fases várias ferramentas foram selecionadas e utlizadas. A metodologia 5S e a gestão visual provaram que apesar de muito simples são de extrema utilidade para a organização ter uma melhor compreensão dos seus processos, capacitar e melhorar o seu desempenho com uma abordagem baseada em ideias simples, mas que trazem muitos benefícios. Entre os vários benefícios também contribui para esbater barreiras nas formas de estar e trabalhar de modo a poder incrementar as capacidades de todos e quaisquer indivíduos e desta forma maximizar o seu potencial coletivo de sucesso.
The implementation of lean can translate into multiple benefits for any type of organization, such as reducing waste and working based on a systematic and sustained approach. The way of implementing lean is dependent on the organization and is strongly dependent on its culture and form of leadership. This article discusses the way in which the implementation was carried out in a wine project of a private institution of social solidarity. A roadmap was used for the lean implementation and in the various phases several tools were selected and used. The 5S methodology and visual management have proven that despite being very simple, they are extremely useful for the organization to have a better understanding of its processes, train and improve its performance with an approach based on simple ideas that bring many benefits. Among the various benefits, it also contributes to blurring barriers in the ways of being and working to increase the capabilities of all individuals and thus maximize their collective potential for success.
Nota: Artigo completo na revista TMQ 14 /Full paper in TMQ 14 Journal
Adriana Santos is a Master Student from the Quality and Environmental Engineering Master Course at Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) and just finished her dissertation with a lean implementation in an inclusive wine project in a private institution of social solidarity. Her research interests are in lean thinking and continuous process improvement.
Isabel João has received a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management from the Instituto Superior Técnico -Technical University of Lisbon– Portugal. She is currently Coordinator of the Quality and Environmental Engineering Master Course at Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) and researcher at the Center of Management Studies of IST (GEG-IST). Her research interests are in the areas of Quality Management, Process Management and Product and Process Design and Improvement
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desperdícios, implementação lean, inclusão social, roadmap
Lean implementation, social inclusion, roadmap, waste