IPVConcilia- Sistema de gestão da conciliação
O Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC), no âmbito do Plano Estratégico IPVC2024, iniciou, em 2019, a implementação do Sistema de Gestão da Conciliação entre a vida profissional, familiar e pessoal, segundo a NP 4552, em integração com o atual Sistema de Gestão (SG-IPVC), da Qualidade (ISO 9001) e da Responsabilidade Social (NP 4469). Para a implementação do IPVConcilia e Integração do SGConciliação no SG-IPVC houve um forte investimento na capacitação em Sistema de Gestão da Conciliação e em benchmarking. A conciliação entre a vida profissional, familiar e pessoal permanece um desafio para as organizações e suas pessoas, tendo implicações na qualidade de vida no trabalho e na qualidade de vida geral dos seus colaboradores. Com a implementação do IPVConcilia, o IPVC pretende reforçar a resposta a necessidades e expetativas dos/as colaboradores/as e implementar ações que promovam a conciliação. Para isso, têm sido adotadas medidas para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos/as colaboradores/as, promovendo o bem-estar, o desenvolvimento pessoal e a Conciliação e para reforçar essas medidas realizou-se uma auscultação aos colaboradores. Os resultados mostram que os colaboradores estão, de uma forma geral, muito satisfeitos havendo, no entanto, dimensões a melhorar, entre elas: Ritmo de trabalho, Exigências cognitivas e Exigências emocionais. Espera-se obter a certificação do SG-Conciliação do IPVC até setembro de 2022.
The Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC), within the scope of the IPVC2024 Strategic Plan, began, in 2019, the implementation of the Management System for the Conciliation between professional, family and personal life, according to NP 4552, in integration with the current Management System (SG-IPVC), Quality (ISO 9001) and Social Responsibility (NP 4469). For the implementation of the IPVConcilia and the Integration of the SGConciliation in the SG-IPVC, there was a strong investment in training in the Conciliation Management System and in benchmarking. The conciliation between professional, family and personal life remains a challenge for organizations and their people, having implications for the quality of life at work and the general quality of life of its employees. With the implementation of the IPVConcilia, the IPVC intends to reinforce the response to the needs and expectations of the employees and to implement actions that promote conciliation. To this end, measures have been adopted to improve the quality of life of employees, promoting well-being, personal development and Reconciliation, and to reinforce these measures, a consultation was carried out with employees. The results show that employees are, in general, very satisfied, although there are dimensions to improve: Work rhythm, Cognitive Demands and Emotional Demands. It is expected to obtain certification from the IPVC SG-Conciliation by September 2022.
Álvaro Cairrão: PhD in Sciencies Communication, and Master Degree (M.Sc.) in Advertising and Public Relations by Autonoma University of Barcelona (Spain). Adjunct Professor and Coordinator of Marketing and Business Communication graduation of the Busines Sciencess School of Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (ESCE-IPVC). Integrated member of The Center for Communication and Society Studies (CECS).
Ana Sofia Rodrigues, Institutional Quality Manager in IPVC and Pro-President to Quality and Social Responsibility. PhD in Quality, Safety and Food Technology -University of Vigo, Spain. Researcher Member in CITAB and CISAS; Integrates the RIQUA, Member of “Sectoral Commission for Education and Training” CS/11-IPQ; A3ES Auditor of Internal Quality Assurance Systems (ASIGQ) since 2013. Member of Advisory board in Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System-ACSUG since 2015. IPVConcilia Project Coordinator (POCI-05-5762-FSE-000328).
Ana Teresa Oliveira has received a PhD from Universidade do Minho – Portugal in 2014. She is a professor in Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão in Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo. Her research interests are in the area of people management.
Damiana Matos, Higher technique for food safety of Social Services of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo since 2008. Master in Management Organizations sector Business Management from APNOR, degree in Food Engineering from IPVC. Specialist engineer in food engineering by order of Engineers. Quality Internal Auditor since 2011.
Filipa Mourão, Master Degree (M.Sc.) in Probability and Statistic by University of Lisboa (Portugal). PhD in Industrial Engineering and Systems at University of Minho. Quality Manager of the ESTG-IPVC. Member of the Applied Digital Transformation Laboratory of IPVC. Coordinator of the Master in Organizational Management – Business Management at ESTG-IPVC. Member of the organizing and reviewing committee of the ICCSA; Research interests: Quality Management; Data Analysis; ROC methodology
Filipa Patrocínio: Degree in Law from the University of Coimbra, Head of the Human Resources Division of the IPVC; experience of managing Scholarships for students; Interest in the area of hiring, welcoming and integrating employees and health and safety at work.
Linda Saraiva: is a PhD in Human Kinetics in the specialty of motor behaviour by Lisbon University. Since 1999, she works in Higher School of Education at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and her intervention focuses on the area of education and teacher training. She is integrated member of the Research Center on Child Studies of Minho University.” Currently, she is Assistant director, quality manager of the School of Education and institutional manager of Teaching & Learning Process. Member of the Project Rural 3.0: Service Learning for the Rural Development.
Mara Rocha: Master Degree (M.Sc.) in Health Promotion and Health Education by University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal). Specialist in Nursing Sciences. PhD Student in Nursing in Universidade Católica Portuguesa. Coordinating Professor and President of the pedagogical council of the Health School of Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (ESS-IPVC) since 2001. Quality Manager of the ESS-IPVC. Integrated member of The Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E). Research interests: Quality Management; Nursing and Health Management.
Márcia Amorim: Graduated in Management Informatics (2007) and Master in Marketing (2017) from the School of Business Sciences of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo. Senior Technician at the Assessment and Quality Office and at the IPVC Observatory. Experience in Professional Education Management; Assessment areas: dropout, employability, stakeholder assessment mechanisms.
Sara Paiva: (BSc’02, PhD’11) is an Assistant Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, a PhD in Computer Science with a Post-Doc in Advanced Driving Assistants from Oviedo University in Spain. Her main line of research is smart inclusive mobility in smart cities. She is currently Vice-Chair of the IEEE Smart Cities Marketing Committee and Program Chair of the IEEE Smart Cities Ambassadors Program, leading a worldwide team of 20+ ambassadors. Sara also coordinates, since 2018, the Applied Digital Transformation Laboratory of IPVC with 25+ researchers.
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Instituto Português da Qualidade (2016). Sistema de gestão da conciliação entre a vida profissional, familiar e pessoal: NP 4552/2016.
Klein, L. L., Pereira, B. A., & Lemos, R. B. (2019). Quality of working life: Parameters and evaluation in the public service. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 20(3).
Marescaux, E.; Winne, S.; Sels, L. (2013). .HR practices and affective organisational commitment: (When) does HR differentiation pay off? Human Resource Management Journal 23(4), 39-345. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12013
Vasconcelos, A.F. (2001). A qualidade de vida no trabalho: origem, evolução e perspectivas. Caderno de Pesquisas em Administração, vol. 8 (1), 23-35.
bem-estar, conciliação, felicidade, qualidade de vida
well-being, reconciliation, happiness, quality of life