Risk Management for Higher Education Institutions
Risk Management for Higher Education Institutions
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are complex system particularly exposed to the society they belong, making them susceptible to its dynamics. The increasing presence of multicultural students underscores this complexity, posing unique needs and expectations. Managing, assessing, and raising awareness about this challenge lie at the heart of the risks HEIs currently and will continue to confront.
Risks seldom manifest simultaneously within a single organization or across a sector. Collaborating with similar institutions can be advantageous in identifying and addressing potential and realized risks. Establishing a report, network of cooperation, characterized by openness, voluntarism, confidentiality, and a no-blame culture, can serve as a repository of data to be converted into knowledge to anticipate and manage risks, thereby enhancing the resilience and focus of HEIs.
Media-highlighted events merely scratch the surface, failing to encompass the full spectrum of data vital for informed decision-making. Nevertheless, creating a poor image of the sector. Engaging complementary systems in risk management ensures a continuous flow of information, enhancing organizational understanding of past, present, and future risks.
HEIs have, in recent times, faced public scrutiny due to incidents ranging from intoxications, harassments, bulling, to cyberattacks. These visible risks represent only a fraction of the broader risk landscape. Establishing a comprehensive share taxonomy of risks is essential for effective risk management in higher education institutions.
Higher Education Institutions; Risk Management; Risk taxonomy; Shared Knowledge base.
Silvia Costa Lopes. PhD student at the University of Granada, with a MSc in Information Studies and Digital Libraries from ISCTE-IUL and a Postgraduate degree in Quality Management from IPPorto. Scientific information manager, coordinator of the Quality Assessment and Assurance Office, responsible for implementing FFUL’s Quality Management System. Her research interests are scientific publication, bibliometric studies, and quality management and in higher education.
Rui Loureiro. PharmD, Invited Lecture on Quality and Risk Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon. Quality Auditor and Consultant. Former President of National Quality Council of the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Association, Strategic Consulting Group Member of the European Health Future Forum. His research interests are quality risk and effectiveness in healthcare.
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