Influence of Maintenance Programs on Product Quality: a Theoretical Framework Proposal – Research Work
Influence of Maintenance Programs on Product Quality: a Theoretical Framework Proposal - Research Work
The evolution of the industry in recent years has contributed in a very positive way to bring in industrial society awareness of the importance of producing products or services with the highest quality. Currently, an industrial organization cares too much about the quality of products or services made available to the final consumer. One of the great challenges of today’s industry is getting an excellent product quality and simultaneously have a reduction on production costs to get a quality product at a competitive cost. Thus, one of the most effective ways to reduce production costs is to create and maintain a good maintenance management system, because it affects the entire production process and the quality of a product.
The maintenance function became seen by the organizations, as critical to the continuous improvement of its production system and quality.
Most existing research studies are of cases in certain companies, which are relate to maintenance concepts and quality individually and separately. These studies do not refer to the importance of the role in maintaining on product quality.
The maintenance and the quality of a product cannot be seen as independent, because if there isn’t a good maintenance system, the final product quality will be seriously affected. Thus, the main objective of this research is to create a methodology to be applied by organizations to link the two areas and support the decisions to be taken in the maintenance of equipment, always with the objective of product quality and the reducing of quality costs.
Maintenance and quality are too important, and perhaps the topics most in need of a broad, integrative framework.
Maintenance, Quality, Equipment, Quality product
José Barradas: He is currently a PhD student in Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Minho. He is a professor at the Department of Technological Innovation, School of Technical Short Cycles, Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Barcelos, Portugal. His research interests are in the areas of quality, maintenance and metrology.
Paulo Sampaio: He is a professor of Quality and Organizational Excellence at University of Minho and an International Advisor for Improvement and Innovation Projects. His research interests are in the areas of quality and organizational.
Mariana Carvalho: She is currently a professor at Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Barcelos, Portugal. The research interests are in the areas of quality and maintenance.
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