Hospital Pharmacy Certification: Quality Indicators in Medication Preparation and Distribution Areas
Hospital Pharmacy Certification: Quality Indicators in Medication Preparation and Distribution Areas
The Hospital Pharmacy plays a crucial role in the healthcare context of providing healthcare, being responsible for several activities related to the medicine circuit. In this context, it is important to establish clear guidelines, standardized conduct, and practices, to promote continuous quality improvement.
This study aims to contribute to the development of a certification framework for Hospital Pharmacies, focusing on the identification of quality indicators, used by the accreditation models in Portugal and certifications referentials, in Medication Preparation and Distribution areas.
A qualitative study was conducted, of a cross-sectional and exploratory nature, and a panel of experts was asked to select relevant indicators to measure the quality provided, from 88 indicators identified in literature. Based on the Delphi approach, a first round was conducted, allowing the identification of 65 quality indicators considered relevant by the panel, including structure, process, and result indicators.
The selection of these indicators constitutes an essential step towards the construction of a certification framework aimed at promoting excellence and the work of the multidisciplinary team in Hospital Pharmacies in Portugal.
Certification, Hospital Pharmacy, Medication Preparation and Distribution, Quality Indicators.
Manuela Frija Alexandre has a master’s degree in management and Evaluation in Health Technologies. She is a pharmacy TSTD since 1991 and currently works as a quality manager in a public hospital. Her research interests are in the areas of quality management, health certification and health management.
André Filipe Ferreira Coelho has a PhD in Clinical Research and a Master in Public Health. He’s a Full Professor at Lisbon School of Health Technology and a Consultant for the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health for the area of Patient Safety and Medication Safety
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