Enriching Engineering Education: Integrating Humanities for Responsible Innovation
Enriching Engineering Education: Integrating Humanities for Responsible Innovation
Engineering education faces the challenge of preparing professionals capable of dealing with complex global problems, requiring an educational approach that transcends traditional technical education. The inclusion of humanities and social sciences in engineering education not only broadens the perspective of future engineers, but also enriches their ability to lead with social, ethical, and cultural responsibility. This article argues for the integration of these areas as fundamental for the development of core competencies that directly impact the quality of innovations and technological solutions in a world in constant transformation. We argue that quality in engineering is significantly improved when engineers are educated to understand and apply humanities knowledge in their professional practices, ensuring a more holistic and responsible approach which leads us to conclude that integrated curricula that incorporate studies on social, ethical, and environmental impacts prepare engineers for future challenges, promoting a greater awareness of the consequences of their actions. In this article, we highlight some educational initiatives that already apply these concepts, observing improvements in student empathy, ethics, and flexibility, qualities that are indispensable for excellence in the practice of modern engineering. Therefore, engineering education, enriched by a foundation in the humanities, prepares professionals not only to solve technical problems, but to lead the implementation of solutions that benefit all of society.
Engineering Education, Humanities Integration in Engineering Education, Quality Innovations, Ethical Leadership.
Regis Pasini is a PhD student in Electrical Engineering at the State University of Campinas. He is currently adjunct coordinator of the Computer Engineering and Production Engineering courses at the Santo André Foundation University Center. His research interests are in engineering education, entrepreneurial education, and robotics.
Gilmar Barreto has received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the State University of Campinas (2002), where he is currently a professor. He is the author of the books Electric Vehicles and Alternating Current Circuits. His research interests are in electrical engineering, industrial electronics, electronic systems and controls, fuzzy systems, multivariable systems, control, multiobjective and electrochemical optimization, and engineering education
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